Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Waiting Game continues

Monday arrived and I asked Gerard to phone both doctors for both sets of results.
As usual, Gerard is more tied up with work and needed gentle reminders during the course of the morning.
Eventually, he reported back that Dr. Becker would call me directly with Steven's results.
At this point I had forgotten to ask about my results.
Dr Becker did call and unfortunately the tests he ran were inconclusive. He also feels that Steven should be hospitalised, tests done to find the cause of his high blood pressure.
A young German man (18 years old) hit the news today, as he went on a rampage in his old school. He held students hostage and shot the headmaster in the stomach. All this before he shot himself. So sad - had his whole life ahead of him.
This whole incident was of interest to me, as my friend Liesel lived in Emsdetten, where this all took place. We had visited them in Emsdetten a few years ago. She and her family returned to S.A. in July this year.
Gerard left for Austria. He and Oliver Bonn from work, left for a meeting in Austria.
On Tuesday, I dropped Lara off at Kindergarten and drove out to Lauterbach to visit Marcelle. It was great just getting out and spending time with a friend.
In the afternoon, I took Lara to her dancing class. The class has become very small and I heard the two other mothers sounding worried as to how long the class will continue.
Gerard arrived home late but had already eaten supper on the way. He and Olli had taken a scenic route via Berchtesgarden and Gerard has been so impressed that he had brought a brochure on the place. Well, the bit I have seen of it, we will definately be visiting that area next summer. It is just stunning!!!!
On Wednesday, we took the kids down to Frankfurt to the Swiss Embassy. This visit was to get their passports (which had expired) in order. This was part two of Gerard's disastrous Tuesday last week, where he was told to come back with his kids!!! After half an hour there, we walked through a shopping area and got to a
C + A which is one of my favorite clothes shops. The reason I like it so much is that we can do a family shop there - always find something for everyone and it is soooo much more affordable than most other shops.
Left Frankfurt at 4,30pm to avoid heavy traffic and stopped off at a Burger King along the way. Steven kept urging us to eat quicker and get going - he had football training at 6.00pm!!!!
Lara went to her friend Zina on Thursday afternoon and I picked her up after dropping the boys at soccer training.
Gerard and I have decided to do the Atkins diet again, so no better time than starting on a Friday. We need to lose a few kilos before we go on holiday!!!!
On Saturday, we had a lazy start to our day and then decided to do a bit of shopping at Roller and Hafu. I bought a carpet for my new little room upstairs and a lamp for Robert's desk.
Robert's team had soccer matches in the afternoon which we watched. Our son was quite the hero scoring the only goal for his team. Their team has improved since last week but needs a lot more coaching.
Had great news from Heidi that she had become a granny!!! Tina had a baby girl - Anika Kelly.
Steven had us up at 6.30am this morning!!!! What a way to start a Sunday - but of course all for the love of football.
We went to watch his games in Nieder Ohm but their team didn't win a single game - great disappointment. Got home and Gerard had to pack and get ready for his trip to France. Gerard phoned me along the way and felt that he was going to miss his plane as he had been in so many traffic jams etc. Anyway, he made it in time and is now in France.
Tonight I phoned my bother and his family to wish them well tomorrow. They are leaving S.A. for Australia. I can't believe this day has come - I felt quite sad wishing him well, knowing that I won't see him for quite a while now. We will visit them in Australia in 2008 hopefully.
Well, that is another week gone with the wind. Now I am still waiting for my medical results and will now have to wait for my husband's return.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Medical Issues (The Waiting Game!!)

Another week has passed by us in such a rush as usual!!! This week was full of medical questions.
Gerard had previously arranged to take Tuesday off to chauffeur me to a Specialist in Marburg. He had also managed to get an appointment for Steven at the Cardiologist in Fulda on the same day. Gerard however, started his day, by driving down to Frankfurt to the Swiss Embassy, to get the childrens passports renewed. On arriving there, he found out (to his absolute annoyance) that the children had to be present for this. A 3 hour trip all for nothing!!!
When he arrived back home, it was literally to pick Lara and myself up and get straight back on the road to Marburg. We found the doctor very easily and then the wait was on. We sat around in the waiting room, filling out necessary forms, and then the nurse called me and she weighed and measured me and took my blood pressure. I eventually got to see the doctor (a woman) who asked a few questions and did a physical examination. She then sent me out to wait yet again. I was called to the room where I had been weighed etc. and the nurse took some blood samples and I was asked to provide a urine specimen. I was then told to wait again. Then I was called to another room, where the doctor asked me to remove all my clothes again!! This time for a sonar scan. She scanned all my vital organs and eventually I was told to redress and take some scan pictures to the nurses. They asked me to wait once again!! Eventually Gerard went and asked why we were waiting and the nurse advised that our wait was over at last. She had just typed up the necessary referal letters for me. The one to my Gynae, as she had picked up ovarian cysts on the scanning device. The other was to a radiologist to have my knees x-rayed. We went off to look for the latter and to our dismay found that the rooms were closed. As we were leaving the building, a man walked in and it was the doctor we were looking for. Was x-rayed and was told that other than normal wear and tear for my age, everything there looked normal. By this stage, Lara had, had more than her share of doctor's waiting rooms and we hit the road for Alsfeld.
I had to phone the boys and tell them to be ready, because we would again arrive home, just in time to load them in the car and head off in the opposite direction to Fulda. We had yet another wait, before we got in to see the Cardiologist. Luckily, being a children's doctor, there were plenty of playthings for the children to keep them occupied.
The doctor did an E.C.G. on Steven and then a thorough physical. He advised us that Steven's heart is in good working order and that to get to the bottom of the cause of his high blood pressure, he would have to be hospitalised so that they could run tests on him.
What a relief for us to hear that Steven did not have a heart condition!!!
Off we went to Burger King for supper and eventually got home at about 8.30pm - what a day!!!!!
The next morning (Wednesday), I had Steven at Dr Becker (our paediatrician in Alsfeld). Had to wait for an hour before we saw him. He had received a report from the Cardiologist and said that he would run the tests himself. So he has taken blood and urine specimens from Steven and asked me to call on Monday for the results.
Dr Becker has given Steven the go ahead to play sport again - what a happy little boy we have!!!
Lara had her little friend Zina come and play on Thursday afternoon. Too cute to watch these little girls playing dolls etc. So gentle compared to the boys rough games offootball and play fights etc.
On Friday, Steven had a reading day at school, where his class went to the local old age home and read and sang to the old men and ladies. His teacher had organised that she would have an evening for the parents to listen to their reading and then they would do a walk through the town with lanterns etc. I went along with the kids and thoroughly enjoyed the reading and singing. We couldn't do the walk as Gerard and I had previously booked an evening of theatre at our local community hall. The Local Fire service - all voluntary workers - put on a play every 2 years.
I had been to the one 2 years ago with a friend and had enjoyed it then, so Gerard was quite keen to see what it was all about.
They had adapted an English play called Cash on Delivery by Michael Cooney - a comedy. What a laugh - it was hilarious!!! Gerard and I were in stitches and we thoroughly enjoyed our evening out!!
We had a nice lie in on Saturday. Went off to town and ordered some new blinds for my bedroom. Did our necessary grocery shop and went home. Took Robert and his friend Alex off to their first soccer match in Homberg. Unfortunately their team lost every game. How disappointing for the little boys but even more so for the old parents who stand watching them being whitewashed.
Sunday has been a real lazy day, like most Sunday's in this place. The weather has been really grim today with rain most of the day. It seems as though November has finally arrived!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Flu in the family

The whole Liechti family experienced flu this week!!!! Gerard suffered with flu at the beginning of the week which was passed on to Lara who was actually quite sick for 2 days with temps and bad cough. Steven has been coughing on and off but seems to have beaten the bug.
Robert and Steven decided to walk to Gerard's office, from school on Tuesday, which caused quite a ruckus. I received a call from Stevie's teacher first and then from Robert's within 5 minutes of each other. They were very concerned that they had not caught the bus as usual. I was on my way out the door to find them, when in drove Gerard with all his children in the car. He had picked up Lara and seen the two boys headed for Bell. He explained to to the head master that this would not happen again and that the boys would be sternly dealt with. Lara went to dancing in the afternoon and she has now joined the dance group. She really loves going and I think it all helps in coordination.
Steven went to a class mate's birthday party on Wednesday afternoon, where all the children played soccer. Nothing will stop him from playing his beloved soccer!!! Not long before he sees the doctor thank goodness!!!.
On Thursday, Heidi invited Marcelle and I for tea. It was so nice to get out and spend a morning with friends, and also consume Heidi's wonderful cakes. After a snap decision, the three of us decided to pay a visit to some newcomers in Alsfeld. There had been an article in the local paper that one of the hotels in town had been bought by a young couple. He is German and she is a South African from Cape Town with 2 little boys. Unfortunately she was not there but we introduced ourselves to him and said we would be back to meet her another day. We did learn however, that she has been in Germany for 4 years already and has done an intensive German course, so she has become very "Germanised".
On Thursday, we celebrated Urshi's birthday with their family as usual. We are always invited to join her and her family for a sit down meal which is always top class. While I ate, Gerard went off to Robert's parents evening! This was being held in Eudorf at a hotel.
Robert had been to soccer training and had asked one of the other mother's to drop him off in Eudorf!!! Gerard had in the meantime gone to pick him up, to find no one at the sport hall. Talk about a run around and lack of communication!!!
Robert was complaining of a head ache (he put this down to too many headers made during his soccer game) and feeling sick but managed to polish off a good plate of food. The Liechti family left at about 9.15pm just as the choir arrived to sing to the birthday girl!!!
I did not let Robert go to school on Friday as he was still running a temp and was feeling really miserable. I managed to sleep away 2 hours of Friday morning, in an attempt to sleep off my head cold which had been around since Wednesday.
Lara had her lantern evening on Friday night, so Gerard, Stevie and Lara went off with their lanterns - leaving Robbie and I at home alone. We weren't actually alone, as we had Arno (our building man) and his electrician were here. They were completing a job they had started in May this year. They were connecting the heating up in Robert's "new" room.
We had a nice sleep in on Saturday morning and later in the afternoon, Arno arrived to finish another small job he had started in May.
Gerard also decided that Saturday was the day he would drain the pool.
We watched X-factor on Saturday night which is getting really exciting again, as every week, one singer gets voted off, and they are down to the last 7 acts which means it is getting tougher and tougher.
Sunday morning was another lie in. Had a late breakfast, and then Gerard and I decided to do some unfinished business in the garden. Gerard covered my strawberry patch with some evergreen tree branches (keep the snow off the plants) while I cut off all the dead hydrangea flowers. Gerard also tackled a rose bush outside my kitchen window and some other plants in the garden.
We all sat down to a roast lamb and veges at about 5.30pm which was a great end to our weekend.
Gerard had managed to knock at least 8 items off his to-do list(which I had drawn up for him) of 15 items. All in all, a rather productive end to our week!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Back at School

The boys went back to school on Monday 30 Oct after a nice 2 week break. Robert got a 2 for his maths test that he had done just prior to the holidays which was good news. Robert had to take his bicycle helmet to school on Tuesday and again on Wednesday as he was doing his test. All the 4th year school classes had been given theory which covered all the different road signs that a cyclist would use and then the police came in to actually test their cycling abilities.
Robert passed his test and proudly came home with his "bicycle licence".
On Tuesday night, I received a call from Robert's football trainer, advising me of the change of venue and of the requirements needed for Robert to play football for his team. They are now playing indoors at his former school at 6.15pm on a Wednesday evening. I have to furnish the trainer with a copy of Robert's birth certificate, a copy of his passport and a medical certificate from his doctor. Can you believe all this just for a little boy to enjoy a sport!!!!!!!
I took both boys to training on Wednesday evening which just so happened to be a cold, wet and miserable night. Gerard then collected them on his way home from work. It felt like midnight when they eventually got home for "supper".
I had only been able to get them in to the doctor's for their medical on Thursday afternoon at 5.00pm. Dr Braun started doing the medical on Robert first and then Steven. She gave Robert a clean bill of health and supplied the certificate (at a cost of 10 Euros I might add!!!!) but could not do the same for Steven. When taking Steven's blood pressure, she got quite flustered and eventually after about 5 different attempts, she just announced that Steven could not have a Certificate and in fact could not play sport until he has seen a cardiologist.
Well, what a shock for Gerard and I to find out that our little Steven has high blood pressure!!!
As you can imagine, Steven is not impressed at all at the ban on his beloved soccer and any other sport.
We could only get an appointment at the child cardiologist in Fulda on the 14 November, so he will have to wait it out until then. Hopefully, the cardiologist will explain this high blood pressure problem to us and Steven will be able to continue with his soccer.
We had a quiet weekend and lazed around the house for most of it. We went and did our grocery shop at Kaufland near Treysa just for a change. It is a really nice big shop with quite a lot more variety than the little shops of Alsfeld offer.
I finished off painting Steven's desk on Sunday and now I have the urge to start on redecorating the kids rooms!!! This should keep me busy for the next few cold and dark months.